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Soap, Skin and Candles

Custom Gift Box with Greeting Card


Create your own gorgeous gift box by adding this box and your chosen items to your cart. We will then pack your selected items within a beautiful white reusable box wrapped with ribbon, a finishing touch of fresh eucalyptus, and a couple of little surprise extras on us.


The amount of items that fit in each box will vary, depending on the size of each selected item, however please use the below as a guide and feel free to email us at if you would like help putting together your custom box.


The medium gift box fits 1 - 5 items, depending on the size of each item.

The large gift box fits 5 - 10  items, depending on the size of each item.



*Note - products pictured inside box are not included.

Perfect For

When you want to create a gift box with your own personal touch. 

What's in the box?

This box will come with;

  • A white reusable box
  • Gorgeous green tissue paper
  • A SS&C sticker
  • Shredded kraft paper stuffing, to hold your items in place
  • A green ribbon, wrapped ever-so beautifully
  • Fresh eucalyptus
  • A greeting card of your choice
  • A couple of little extra surprises on us

Custom Gift Box with Greeting Card
